Protest over arrest of Montenegrin national in Kosovo

NEWS 01.07.202111:58

A protest was staged in Podgorica against the arrest and of a Montenegrin national in Kosovo during a St Vitus day commemoration.

Risto Jovanovic was arrested at the Gazimestan memorial site when he verbally protested the fact that a policewoman was searching a nun. Video of the arrest showed Jovanovic speaking to the policewoman when a plainclothes officer grabbed his arm and led him away. He was handcuffed and put into a police vehicle with heavily armed officers in combat vests. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail for inciting national and religious hatred and intolerance and was sent to jail in Mitrovica North.

The protesters in Podgorica chanted Kosovo, Kosovo, Freedom for Risto and Montenegro and Serbia are One Family. Earlier, the Montenegrin Foreign Ministry demanded an explanation from the Kosovo authorities.